The Chakma Autonomous District Council is an autonomous council for ethnic Chakma people, formed under the sixth schedule to the Constitution of India on April 29, 1972. The Council exercises legislative, executive and judiciary powers over allotted departments within the territory of CADC.
The idea of jotting down this article is to preserve and share my experiences with my pen pals who are yet to come and would be curious about the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Chakma Autonomous District Council.
I. How it begun: Inaugural Programme (29/04/2022-30/04/2022)
A year ahead of the celebration, several meetings and discussions took place, various committees and sub-committees were formed.
Importantly, on 6th December, 2021, a meeting attended by all Members of Chakma District Council, heads of department, CADC and representatives of Central Young Chakma Association, Chakma Mahila Samilti, Mizoram Chakma Student Union, Mizoram Buddhist Association, Chakma District Employees' Association, Chakma District Pensioners Association, TARUM was held under the chairmanship of Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, the then Chief Executive Member, CADC in the conference hall of CADC Rest House, Kamalanagar to discuss the celebration of CADC Golden Jubilee. CADC constituted on 29th April 1972 have completed 50 glorious years on 29th April, 2022.
An emblem to commemorate the occasion of Golden Jubilee of Chakma Autonomous District Council was unveiled on 18th April, 2022 in a programme organized by Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee in the CADC Conference Hall, Kamalanagar.
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CADC Golden Jubilee Emblem |
Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, the then Hon’ble CEM, CADC and Chief Guest of the programme, Dg. Buddhalila Chakma, the then Hon’ble Chairman, CADC and Guest of Honour of the programme, Executive Members, CADC, MDCs, Head of Departments of CADC have attended the programme.
The emblem was designed with the figure 50 written in Chakma script with a torch bearing man running, clad in dhoti, enclosed by the digit five while the zero housed the CADC emblem. The number 50 has been traced with the tri-colours of the CADC flag. The running man symbolizes progress and the torch held by the man symbolizes wisdom.
The CEM announced in the programme that the emblem will be used in all official correspondences throughout the Golden Jubilee year to mark the momentous occasion.
II. The celebration time:
On 29th April, 2022 the Chakma Autonomous District Council kicked off the celebration of 50 years of CADC’s existence with an inaugural programme organized at Kamalanagar Halipad. Pu Lalrinliana Sailo, Hon’ble Speaker, Mizoram graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
The programme showcased the varied aspects of tradition Jhumma life of the Chakmas performed by the Young Chakma Association and Chakma Mahila Samiti in collaboration with Art & Culture Department, CADC which included the different stages of Jhum cultivation, fishing, spinning of thread from cotton and weaving, dragging of a country boat over a shallow rapid and marriage rituals.

“It is our duty that we make ourselves worthy of the great sacrifice made and the legacy left upon us”, he emphasized.
“The Chakma Autonomous District Council has restored partially the Chakmas their right to self-determination which was once enjoyed by them prior to the British subjugating the Chakma king by treachery”, he stated while adding, “None of us should harbour even by a trace that any favour has been done on us by having been granted the autonomy in the form of CADC, as such thinking can take toll upon our morale and dignity”.
He further added, “It is our natural right and all princely states existing during the time of India’s Independence were granted the choice for self-determination”. The programme can be viewed here.
The celebration was continued in the evening with a cultural programme scheduled.
Next day, Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, the then Chief Executive Member, Chakma Autonomous District Council unveiled the statue of Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar to commemorate the occasion of CADC Golden Jubilee installed in the premises of New CADC Secretariat Complex.
He termed the installation of the statue one of the most appropriate and significant actions taken by the CADC Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee to mark the golden jubilee of Chakma Autonomous District Council.
Meanwhile, Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma became the Chief Executive Member of Chakma Autonomous District Council after the removal of Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma from the office of CEM in no-confidence motion on 9th June, 2022 and subsequently Dg. Kali Kumar Tongchangya was elected as Chairman, CADC on 17th June, 2022. However, Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma, the then CEM, CADC tendered resignation from the post of CEM, CADC following the withdrawal of support by 5 (five) MDCs on 7th October, 2022.
With his resignation the current Executive Committee, CADC stand dissolved and came under Governor's Rule from 16th December, 2022.
On 10th November, 2022 the Chairman, CADC who was also Chairman of the the Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee had notified that the owing to the resignation of the CEM, CADC and the consequent dissolution of the Executive Committee of CADC, the planned celebration of the Golden Jubilee in the sub headquarters of CADC is postponed. Meaning the celebration of closing ceremony of Golden Jubilee of Chakma Autonomous District Council have to be celebrated without the Executive Committee which was an extraordinary event in the history of CADC.
Earlier, it was decided that the Golden Jubilee celebration will be held throughout the year with the opening and closing ceremony to be organised at Kamalanagar. In between celebration programmes will also be organised at the sub-headquarters.
III. How it ended: Closing Ceremony (21/12/2022-22/12/2022)
After months-long political tussle, a meeting pertaining to the celebration of closing ceremony of the CADC Golden Jubilee was held on 7th December, 2022 at the Conference Hall of CADC Rest House, Kamalanagar. The meeting organized by the Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee was attended by Dg. Kali Kumar Tongchangya, Chairman, CADC who is also the Chairman of the CADC Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee, all Head of the Departments, representatives of the Sub-Committees of the Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee among others.
It is to be mentioned here that the employees of CADC have contributed one day pay amounting to Rs. 33,85,165 for the celebration of closing ceremony slated from 20th December, 2022 to 21st December, 2022 at Helipad Ground, Bajeisora.
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CADC Flag |
The Flag of CADC was distributed to each and every household of all the 88 villages under CADC to mark the occasion. Sign Board bearing small account of the village was put up at entry and exit point of every village. The Entry Gate at Boranasury, Kamalanagar and Longpuighat which was to be constructed and completed before closing ceremony remain incomplete as the gate at Kamalanagar which is the main Entry Gate to Chakma Autonomous District Council was partially completed without a trace of any Gate at Longpuighat is questionable!
The closing ceremony of Golden Jubilee Celebration of Chakma Autonomous District Council was a two-day long ceremony held at Kamalanagar Helipad.
Day 1: The closing ceremony was kicked off by unveiling the CADC Golden Jubilee Memorial Pillar at CADC Secretariat Complex by Dg Kali Kumar Tongchangya, Chairman, Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee.

Day 2: It was the crux of the closing ceremony of Golden Jubilee Celebration of Chakma Autonomous District Council.
His Highness Raja Devasish Roy, the titular Raja of the Chakmas and former Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) graced the occasion for second day as Chief Guest. He was accompanied by Dg. Reetesh Roy, Dgb. Arjyashree Chakma, Dg. Rubel Chakma, Dgb. Tejashree Chakma, Dg. Tanak Chakma, Dg. Rupayan Tongchangya, Dg. Trishila Chakma, Dg. Nikhut Dewan, Dg. Somantor Chakma and Dg. Cyrus Edward Naji.
Distinguished guests Dr Buddha Dhan Chakma, MLA, Mizoram; Dg. Nirupam Chakma, Former Minister Govt. of Mizoram and current National President, Chakma National Council of India (Central Committee), Dg Suhash Chakma, Founder, Chakma Development Foundation of India; Dr. Munmun Chakma, Commandant, Assam Rifles; Dr. Falguni Chakma, Commandant, Assam Rifles; Dg Devjan Chakma, TPS (Retd.), Rejyo Karbari, Tripura Rejyo Chakma Samajik Parishad; Dg Shanti Bikash Chakma, Rejyo Kabideng, Tripura Rejyo Chakma Samajik Parishad, Dg. Nirmal Chakma, Ehjal Karbari, Tripura Rejypo Chakma Samajik Parishad; Dg. Madhu Sudhan Chakma, Member, Advisory Board, Tripura Rejypo Chakma Samajik Parishad and others have attended the programme.
The closing day programme showcased the demonstration on the transition of the Chakma society from past to present by Young Chakma Association and Chakma Mahila Samiti. The programme also showcased cultural items presented by Chakma Mahila Samiti and Arts & Culture Department, CADC.
There was an inauguration of Exhibition Hall on Chakma Traditional Wares by the Chief Guest displayed varied implements and tools of which some of them are obsolete and rarely used in the family chores now.
Various brain-storming and rousing speeches on Socio-cultural aspects and Chakma nationalism by the intellectuals gathered from different states of India and Bangladesh have been witnessed.
His Highness Raja Devasish Roy spoke about the need of unity amongst the Chakmas irrespective of their countries and states, formation of International Chakma Language Board to check the original dialect, amendments of Chakma Customary Law in line with Human Rights among others. He mentioned that the Chakma Autonomous District Council should flourish in all directions not only for its people but for the entire Chakma community across the globe.
Dg. Nirupam Chakma reminded the youths referring a Chakma song – ‘Ami Dejor Gabusse-Gaburi, Ami Bobissot; Ami Dejor Maan-Somman Ragebong Ejjot’, that it is their responsibility to carry forward CADC and the Chakma society in the years to come. He implored them to contribute to the CADC, instead of asking what the CADC has done for them. It is their duty to spread Chakma nationalism.
He appealed to all to contribute to the society irrespective of their profession and ward-off all evils which will spoil the brand of the Chakma community.
Dg Suhash Chakma while speaking recalled Raja Administrative System and need for its revival, from where at some point of time in history, the Constitution of India originated and thus gave birth to this piece of land for the beautiful confluence of culture.
He referred that even during undivided British India the Chakmas were at par with the European due to their legal expertise and administrative system during that time. It is high time; we protect and preserve our cultural identity and give equal rights and opportunity to the women community too.
“Dg. Sneha Kumar Chakma, a founder of CADC was a member of the Constitution Drafting Sub-Committee for the Excluded Area which is under Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India now. This may be one of the reasons for the creation of Chakma Autonomous District Council,” he added.
In a nutshell, the closing ceremony of Golden Jubilee Celebration of Chakma Autonomous District Council was more jubilant, vivid and memorable than the inaugural programme. However, it's time to think and retrospect whether we have come across and achieved as much as it needed to achieved in last 50 years or not and learn from it.